QMS Intl Inc

1833 Folkway Dr, Mississauga ON L5L 2X1 CA

Siebeck JET 2000 Poultry Tying Machine, Company: QMS International Inc, Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. WHAT IT DOES: The Siebeck JET 2000 is a semi-automatic poultry tying machine. WHY IT'S DIFFERENT: By eliminating the need for workers to tie birds by hand, the machine can result in significant labor and cost savings. WHY YOU SHOULD CHECK IT OUT: Cost savings, labor savings and health and safety reasons.

# Name Address City State Postal Code Country Website
QMS Intl Inc 1833 Folkway Dr Mississauga ON L5L 2X1 CA http://www.qmsintl.com


Further processing ingredients
Packaging equipment
Packaging, poultrymeat